How can we help you today? Visit Quick N Save Pharmacy in Lakeland, Florida for your healthcare needs or call 863-583-4999 to place your orders. We offer you quality drugstore products and pharmacy services at their most competitive prices:
Custom-prepared meds as directed by your physician
Vitamins for kids, teens, adults, and seniors
Generic Plan
Low-cost prescription meds available for 30-day, 60-day, and 90-day bulk orders
Special Packaging
Helping you organize your meds to increase your medication therapy compliance
Medical Supplies
Bath Safety, Health Monitoring, Incontinence Care, Diabetic Care, and Mobility Assistive Devices
Flu Shots, Pneumococcal Vaccine, Hepatitis Vaccine, Rubella Immunization, Shingles, Measles Immunization, and more
Free Home Delivery
If you can’t drop by to buy what you need, Quick N Save Pharmacy will deliver!
New Customer Application
What do registered customers at Quick N Save Pharmacy get? Discounts, exclusive perks, promos, and privileges to help you save on your medication costs – these are just a few of the many benefits you get as a customer at Quick N Save Pharmacy. Complete our online form with your information to sign up now!